What Skills Are Essential in the Workplace?

Acquiring new knowledge, skills, and abilities is the main purpose of any type of education. Individuals like you who enroll in graduate business programs do so with the intent of acquiring skills and knowledge that will help them develop personally, advance their careers, and reap greater financial rewards. Understanding how the skills learned in business school apply in different job functions and job levels in the actual workplace can be helpful to you when deciding what skills will be most important to your own career path. More than 11,000 business school alumni provided insight into the skills they consider essential for their current jobs. Use the drop-down bar to filter the data by job function and job level, and, based on your own career interests, see which skills business school alumni consider essential in those jobs.

Source: (GMAC) 2016. Alumni Perspectives Survey. Question: "From the following list of skills, how essential is each one as it pertains to your current job?" (Alumni working for an employer) Data based on 11568 business school alumni.

Prospective students can learn more at mba.com. Additional information is available for schools at gmac.com/alumniperspectives.